Year 11

11A – The Trinity

This topic explores a number of key beliefs of the Catholic Church. The relationship of key beliefs to the Nicene Creed is developed. The topic seeks to develop students understanding of:

  1. the Holy Trinity
  2. God as Creator and our environmental responsibilities
  3. Jesus and what it means to be human, including the Consistant Ethic of Life and the Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick and
  4. the action of the Holy Spirit in people’s lives.


11B – Conscience, Morality and Values

Here we explore morality and ethics in general, conscience, including Church teaching and 10 Commandments. Regular use is made of official Catholic Church sources. more»

11C – Understanding the Gospel Story

What is the role of stories in human experience? What is meant by truth? What can we learn about the four Gospel accounts? more»

11D – The Church’s Story: Reformation and Beyond

Why are their differences between Catholics and Anglicans?? Presbyterians and Baptists?? How did Christianity spread? Who was involved? Reformation and Counter-reformation. more»

11E – Ecumenism and Catholic Identity

This topic introduces the ecumenical movement, looks at some examples of how it is being applied and some recent movements towards reconciliation. The resource contains links to the major Christian churches around the world, as well as in New Zealand. more»